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Friday, September 12, 2014

Change VMs on ODA using OAKCLI

1-Change  memory of a VM on ODA

oakcli configure vm VMBUILDER -maxmemory 24000 -memory 24000

2-Change CPU of a VM on ODA

oakcli configure vm VMBUILDER -vcpu 32 -maxvcpu 32

3-Configure a vm template

oakcli configure vmtemplate OEM12CTMPL -memory 8192M -maxmemory 8192M
oakcli configure vmtemplate OEM12CTMPL -network "['type=netfront, bridge=net1']"

4-Create CPU Pools

    oakcli create cpupool empool -numcpu 4 -node 0
    oakcli create cpupool empool -numcpu 4 -node 1

5-Use HA on a VM

oakcli configure vm OEM12CNODE1 -failover true -prefnode 0
    oakcli configure vm OEM12CNODE2 -failover true -prefnode 1

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal

Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Failed on 11g RAC Installation. "USM driver install actions failed" "ACFS-9361: Removing device 'acfsctl' failed with error code '5888'"

If you got this error below while installing a new RAC 11g,

Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
Using configuration parameter file: /opt/oracle/products/11.2/grid/crs/install/crsconfig_params
User ignored Prerequisites during installation
Installing Trace File Analyzer
USM driver install actions failed
/opt/oracle/products/11.2/grid/perl/bin/perl -I/opt/oracle/products/11.2/grid/perl/lib -I/opt/oracle/products/11.2/grid/crs/install /opt/oracle/products/11.2/grid/crs/install/ execution failed

This is because your servers have some files from an old installation. Remove them. On all nodes, run these command below logged in as root:

/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/defacfsctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/udefacfsctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/cfgacfsctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/ucfgacfsctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/defadvmctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/udefadvmctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/cfgadvmctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/ucfgadvmctl
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/cfgadvmvol
/usr/sbin/rmsecattr -c /usr/lib/methods/ucfgadvmvol
/usr/sbin/rmauth -h oracle
rmrole oracle_devmgmt
rm /usr/lib/drivers/oracle*
rm /usr/lib/methods/*advm* /usr/lib/methods/*acfs*
rm -rf /sbin/helpers/acfs
rm /usr/sbin/acfsutil* /usr/sbin/advmutil*
rm /sbin/acfsutil* /sbin/advmutil*

After that, run again

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Command to nanually deploy agent on EM Grid 12c

This is an example to deploy an agent from the target host using command line:

/db/products/agent12c/ADATMP_2014-09-02_23-40-20-PM/ -ignorePrereqs ORACLE_HOSTNAME=xxx0307.b2w AGENT_BASE_DIR=/db/products/agent12c OMS_HOST=xxx105.b2w EM_UPLOAD_PORT=4900 AGENT_INSTANCE_HOME=/db/products/agent12c/agent_inst b_doDiscovery=false b_startAgent=false b_forceInstCheck=true AGENT_PORT=3872

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal

New Data Pump (IMPDP) In Memory Option on 12c

No you can specify a TRANSFORM option when using Data Pump to use IM clause on all objects being imported.

impdp system dumptile=dir:file.dmp TRANSFORM=INMEMORY:Y

This is a default option for data pump in 12c. So, remember if you are not using in memory, take it off.

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal